Saturday, July 20, 2013

This post is important, you better read it RIGHT AWAY!

Well, my goal of writing a blog post a week clearly was not met! Let's try this again and see how I do this time :)

I have an addiction. There, I said it. I took the first step and admitted it. I am addicted to my phone! Checking Facebook, Checking Email, Snapchat, Instagram and the list goes on! and yet I keep adding new things to my phone to check! 

Part of being a web developer does require me to keep up with... Sorry, I just noticed that there is a little red 1 in a circle on the Facebook icon on my phone, oh and Justin just sent me a snapchat... Ok, now that I know that Justin is playing Earthbound, and that someone who I don't know commented on a friends post I can get back to blogging! Where was I? Oh right, web developer. Ok, so I could use the excuse that I need to be on my phone for research, and that would be a valid excuse, well... it would be if I was actually doing research. The truth is that most of the time I spend on my phone is checking to make sure I didn't miss any messages or opportunities to write clever comments on peoples posts.

It's kind of like eating junk food. "I'll just have a couple chips", or "I will buy a chocolate bar and only have a single square". Right! It starts with a single chip and the next thing you know it's 3 in the morning and your at 7/11 getting a day old hot dog and 4 Taquitoes (You actually only wanted 1 Taquito, but if you buy 3 then you get one free so you better just eat all 4 to save money). 

Continuous growth is something that I seek to achieve in my life. This includes obtaining new knowledge, taking care of my mind and body and always striving to be the best person that I can be, and yet it's so easy to do things that do not help contribute to this goal. How many times have you said to yourself "Ok, tomorrow I will eat healthy" or "This is the last time I am going to check Facebook today". The problem with this is that by acknowledging your attempt to do better you actually force yourself to think about what you are NOT supposed to do. Just like trying not to think about penguins will inevitably ensure that penguins will be on your mind. 

So... I have to admit that I just took a break to check my phone, but those junk emails had to be deleted otherwise I would just sit here looking at the "5 new emails" message wondering if I am going to miss out on something important. Lucky I did too! There is a Prince in Nigeria who desperately needs my credit card information to save his family!

I am guessing that at least some of you suffer from the same addictions that I do, the fact that you are reading this right now may actually be a sign of this addiction! So I would like to offer a few suggestions on how you can work on managing these addictions, how you can be more productive and how to ensure you eat healthy... The key here however, is that I would "like" to offer you these suggestions, unfortunately if I had good suggestions I would not likely be writing this post. So let's fill the comments section of this blog with ways that we can all work on being more productive, healthier and how to continuously strive to be our best.


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